In like a lion, out like a lamb- buckle up for March, all! It’s a mercurial month that holds out the promise of storms, followed by sunshine. To complete the challenge, choose two Christian Fiction books that fit the prompts:
- a book set in the spring
- a book that deals with a theme of betrayal
- a book with a water element (i.e. a storm, a lake, an ocean, etc.)
- a book that is set in Ireland or that features a character with Irish ancestry
- a book that features a strong female
- a book you’ve had on your shelf for a while but haven’t read yet

I’ll host a giveaway for a $10 Amazon gift card at the end of the month, so anyone who reads two books that meet the requirements will be eligible to enter the drawing to win!
What are you going to read for this month’s challenge? Leave your comments below!
Keep reading!