Happy Saturday, Readers! I’m back with another Saturday Spotlight, and this weekend, I’m featuring author Christina Sinisi. Read on to learn more about Christina…

Now that you know a little about Christina, let’s jump into the interview…
Hi, Christina! Thanks so much for visiting the blog today. Let’s start with talking a little bit about books. What’s the last book that had a significant emotional impact on you? It might be a story that made you cry or one that had you delirious with laughter. Why do you think it had that impact?
Patti Callahan’s Becoming Mrs. Lewis. This book is about the life and love story of Joy Davidman, who would eventually marry C.S. Lewis. C. S. Lewis, a Christian theologian, among other things, is my favorite author. This book reminded me that we are all human and we all make mistakes and I shouldn’t even remotely idolize another human being.
I have heard such wonderful things about that book, and I am definitely going to have to check it out, as I’m a fan of C.S. Lewis as well. What are your favorite books from childhood, and why?
Louisa May Alcott’s Little Women series and Walter Farley Scott’s The Island Stallion. I was horse crazy and I loved the family life in Jo’s Boys and Eight Cousins by Alcott. I still love historical romance even though I write contemporary. And who wouldn’t love to find a secret island?
Exactly! I think that element of finding a forgotten hideaway is woven throughout a lot of classic children’s literature. I loved The Secret Garden when I was a kid for the same reason. What books are on your nightstand (or in a Kindle queue) right now?
I have downloaded several by Ruth Axtell and have hard copies of several by Tracie Peterson. Both of those authors write historical Christian fiction. After that, I plan on reading a fellow author, Jennifer Pierce’s Deadly Connection.
All of those are excellent authors! I haven’t been reading much historical fiction lately, but some of my favorite reads of the past few years were Keturah by Lisa Bergren and A Refuge Assured by Jocelyn Green. Describe a typical day-in-the-life for you, from sunrise to sunset. How do you squeeze in writing time with all your other life demands?
I wake at 6 am, eat breakfast, then check my social media and email. After half an hour or so of that, I either do yoga or aerobics depending on the day. Then, I shower and dress and drive to the office. I’m a psychology professor and teach 3 to 4 classes a semester. I also hold office hours and so on. I usually get home around 3 pm and take a quick nap. Then, I make dinner. It’s after dinner that I am able to work on writing and then there are some days I don’t have to be in the office until 10 or 11. I fit it in whenever I can!
Your day is structured pretty similarly to mine, except I’m homeschooling my two boys during the day. I haven’t spoken with an author yet who hasn’t mentioned the importance of being flexible. It’s key in this career! Where did you grow up, and do you use this setting in your novels?
I grew up in the Appalachian mountains of Virginia on a farm. I have an unfinished novel that I want to go back to that is set in the mountains. However, so far, my books are set on the islands and beaches of Charleston, South Carolina where I live now. For me, both the mountains and the ocean are incredibly beautiful!
I’ve never traveled to Charleston, but I feel familiar with it, as I’ve written several books set there as well. It seems like a lovely location, and if you ever dust off your unfinished manuscript, consider me chomping at the bit to read it 😊
Meanwhile, I know readers would love to know how they can connect with you online…
I can be found:
Social Networking Sites:
Twitter: @ChristinaSinisi
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Christina-Sinisi-Author-105861987440664/?modal=admin_todo_tour
Instagram: @csinisi123
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/csinisi/
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/101218889-christina-sinisi
Christina, it’s been great to have you on the blog today! I’ve really enjoyed getting to know more about you and your writing. Read on for more info about Christina’s recent release, Sweet Summer:

Shelby Marano is the youngest of three sisters and was always Daddy’s baby girl—until her father was murdered when she was only eight years old. Ever since, she’s been running from anyone or anything that could truly hurt her. Instead, she seeks calculated thrills that leave her exhilarated, but when she’s caught outside during a summer storm, she quickly realizes not all adventures are within her control.
Tyler Burgess struggles with the responsibility of caring for a mother suffering from Alzheimer’s disease. Forced to take a leave of absence from work and put his life on hold, his only reprieve is the volunteer work he does at the local museum. When a soaking-wet Shelby barges in, he offers her both refuge from the rain and a safe place to land. She’s the breath of fresh air he didn’t know he needed.
Tyler proves to be much more than just a nerd in a history museum, but what she finds out about him is a dealbreaker for her. As family health issues and an unknown stalker threaten Shelby’s perfect little world, she learns a hard lesson: no one can hide from the dangers of life. Can Shelby let her sisters, Tyler, and even more importantly, God, show her in one Sweet Summer that love is worth taking the risk?
And even though it’s the middle of summer, it’s never too early to start filling your Christmas reading queue! Please check the link below or the sidebar at the upper righthand side of my website for information about Christina’s lovely holiday novel, Christmas on Ocracoke:
Reeling from the upheaval of a failed marriage, Annie Hanahan is desperate for a new start—and when she inherits a cottage on Ocracoke Island, she may finally get it. Without a second thought, she packs up and leaves everything behind: her first name, her job, and her ex-husband. But when she arrives in the Outer Banks, she finds the island—and her promised refuge—ravaged by Hurricane Dorian. As a contractor who has given so much of his time to helping Ocracoke recover, it surprises no one when Trey Kingsley offers to help the beautiful newcomer, but something is holding her back. Life keeps throwing them together, though, or perhaps God’s hand is giving them a nudge. Will a little bit of divine intervention be enough for a Merry Christmas on Ocracoke?
Keep reading!
*Photo by David Martin on Unsplash
Shaen, thank you for hosting me on your blog! I truly appreciate it! I thought I’d posted this earlier, but it disappeared. Hope you’re having a great day!
Thanks so much for visiting the blog, Christina! Loved getting to know more about your and your writing, and I know all the readers did, too 🙂
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