Happy Saturday, Readers! You might recognize the name of my guest today, as she’s graciously hosted me on her blog before. Deena Adams is a talented aspiring author and a woman who is helping build and encourage the Christian Fiction community online in powerful ways. Please help me welcome Deena to the blog!

As a Jesus girl for more than thirty years, Deena understands how important hope is to daily life. That’s why she’s passionate about inspiring others through writing hope-filled fiction and highlighting other Christian authors on her blog.
Deena is an active member of ACFW and two Virginia writer groups, board member of ACFW Virginia, founder of the Marathon online writer’s group, 2019 Foundations contest finalist, 2019 First Impressions contest double finalist and winner, and 2021 Genesis contest finalist.
She lives with her husband near the coast in beautiful Virginia. When she’s not writing, reading, or serving in her church, you’ll find her hanging out with family and friends and doting on her seven grandchildren.
Good morning, Deena! I’m so happy for the chance to chat with you. Let’s start at the very beginning. Where did you grow up, and do you use this setting in your novels?
First of all, thanks so much for having me on your blog, Shaen! I was born and raised in the small city of Ft. Oglethorpe, Georgia, just a few miles outside Chattanooga, TN. It’s not big enough to even be called a city.
In the series I’m working on, the heroine in book one lives on Lookout Mountain—which stretches across the Georgia/Tennessee line—with a breathtaking view of the Chattanooga valley. She serves as a court-appointed special advocate in Chattanooga’s juvenile and domestic court system, and the hero, a psychologist and homeless shelter manager, lives in the valley.
My novelette, Behind the Scenes, which newsletter subscribers receive free as a thank you, features the childhood story of my novel’s hero. It’s also set in the south, but I chose the Mississippi Delta region near Memphis, TN.
Lookout Mountain and the surrounding area sounds like a fascinating setting, and your series sounds intriguing. I love when authors write about contemporary issues and how they affect characters emotionally. What do you love about the genre in which you write?
I’ve always enjoyed stories and movies based on true events, so that’s probably one reason I gravitate to Christian Women’s Fiction that highlights real-life issues. I love it because the themes are current and relevant.
Life is hard and our struggles are real. People—even Christians—deal with a myriad of horrific circumstances, including addictions, abuse, abandonment, divorce, prodigal children, cancer, grief, and the like. They need to know they’re not alone in their pain and that with Christ, there’s always hope. The opportunity to offer encouragement through hope-filled fiction excites me!
That’s so true. Christian Fiction done well has the ability to minister to hurting people in such a unique way. I can think of a number of books that encouraged me through tough seasons. What books are on your nightstand (or in a Kindle queue) right now?)
While working on my book proposal, I’m researching comparable titles for my novel. Due to loads of wonderful suggestions from the Avid Readers of Christian Fiction Facebook group, my to-be-read pile has grown! I chose to begin with Provenance by Carla Laureano and All That Really Matters by Nicole Deese. Since I’ve never read either of these authors, I’m excited to dig in.
I’m reading All That Really Matters right now and am really enjoying it. What I’ve read of Carla Laureano’s work has been wonderful as well. Both authors are experts at masterfully weaving themes of faith in their stories. In the Bible, do you have a “life verse” that’s significant to you? Do you find yourself exploring this theme often in your work?
In 1994, when my husband received military orders for another move, I did not want to leave our friends and home in Florida to settle in Virginia. The Navy planned to ship my husband out to sea soon after the move, so I decided the kids and I would stay in Florida until his deployment ended. He wasn’t too keen on that idea, and neither was God. The Lord told me in no uncertain terms that I should pray about the move, not decide on my own.
He gently led me to Proverbs 3:5-6: “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.” (NKJV)
I suppose you can guess I ended up moving with my husband at the designated time.
I cling to this passage over and over. And yes, these life verses are a great comfort on this publishing journey. When I feel like I’m spinning my wheels and will never be a good enough writer to garner an agent or editor’s attention, God reminds me that all I have to do is trust in Him with all my heart and acknowledge Him. I don’t have to understand how everything will work out. He’s directing my path and will lead me to where I need to be when I need to be there.
That’s such a comfort, isn’t it, to know that He has the path figured out, even if we can’t yet see it? It’s so much easier to realize in hindsight, though. Do you keep a diary or journal? Do you find this practice helps you be a better writer or process character emotions more deeply?
I’ve written loads of journals throughout my life. Some contain insights God put on my heart through scripture or prayer, and others document mission trips and fun times with my grandkids. But many are replete with a blow-by-blow account of a horrific season in our lives with a prodigal child.
Along with chronicling the painful events of those years, I pounded out my anger, fears, questions, doubts, and pleading prayers on the keyboard. Writing it out was my therapy and helped with processing what my mind fought to grasp.
Those journal entries led me to create the resource, Ten Steps to Finding Hope When You’re Heartbroken, and I offer it as a second freebie to my newsletter subscribers.
I wrote a novel in 2019/2020 inspired by our experience, featuring a ministry couple with a prodigal daughter. Rereading the journals reminded me of the devastation I felt and helped significantly in crafting the story, molding the characters, and getting deeper into their emotions.
Deena, thank you so much for sharing so generously about your life and your writing with us. I know that people are going to be encouraged and edified. Can you give us some more information about your current work-in-progress?

When dreams disintegrate, is God really working behind the scenes for good?
Mississippi Delta missionaries Camille and Raymond Richards are heartbroken over the impoverished people they encounter daily. Having grown up poor in South Alabama, they understand that lifestyle, which compels them to serve families struggling with perpetual poverty.
At age seven, left to fend for himself, Clayton Jenkins longs to be part of a loving family. A family where his parents never leave him home alone. Where his Mama showers him with attention and his daddy plays with him.
From the moment she meets Clayton, Camille envisions the waif as their son. But that was ridiculous. The boy had parents. And she was pregnant. Did compassion for the child skew her perspective?
Or was God working behind the scenes, formulating a plan far greater than they could imagine?
Download your free copy when you subscribe to Deena’s Hope Collective newsletter here: https://landing.mailerlite.com/webforms/landing/v2g7z4
Deena, your story sounds compelling. Thank you so much for sharing. If readers want to find you online or discover more about your writing, where should they look?
Website: https://deenaadams.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/deenamadams
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Deenamadams
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/deenaadamswrites/
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/66850963-deena-adams
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/deenamadams/_created/
BookBub: https://www.bookbub.com/profile/3775115257
Thanks so much for joining us today, Deena! It was wonderful to have you on the blog, and I’m excited to see where God takes you and your writing journey next!
Keep reading!
Photo by Bonnie Kittle on Unsplash
Thanks so much for hosting me, Shaen! I really appreciate the opportunity.
Well, thanks so much to you! It was a delight to feature you on the blog 🙂
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